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New Drivers: Knowing how to Keep your Licence

Getting a driver’s licence is great, and although it sounds cliché, it is truly an important part of life. The first two years of having your licence keeps you on a pretty tight leash and it is really quite easy to lose your licence during this probationary period. Furthermore, all points you get during these two years will roll over once you pass this probationary period, so it is important to debate all endorsements.

For the two years after getting your licence, you only have half the amount of allowable points it takes to lose your licence. Having only a 6-point limit means that new drivers desperately need to avoid any endorsements. This increased potential for a licence ban means that all tickets should be dealt with through an experienced solicitor. Losing your licence within two years of passing the test requires having to reapply for and pay for a provisional licence as well as passing both parts of the driving test again.

Accidents, reckless or careless driving, driving under the influence, and driving without insurance are all easy ways to lose your licence with a single offence. Everyone should avoid these endorsements, but with new drivers especially the penalty is much worse. Even driving while texting will get you at least halfway to losing your licence.

All penalties are detrimental and furthermore, it isn’t too hard to compile 6 points on your record in 2 years. Keeping Your Licence specializes in helping new drivers who are facing a ban. Fighting a ban successfully can mean keeping not only your licence, but also your job and low insurance rates from keeping the potential number of points on your record low. At Keeping Your Licence, we specialize in proving your innocence, looking for alternative penalties, and defending the Notice of Intended Prosecution so that you can keep your licence.

22/01/2016 12:02